We completed 601 inspiring quotes yesterday. Today I sent you the 602nd quote. None of the quotes were repeated. They were all different. Sometimes it is also good to re-look at the quotes and pick out the ones you didn’t understand, or the ones you want to re absorb. I suggest you go to the spiritual diary page and browse through the Masters, their quotes and their pictures. Make it an occasional habit to visit the page. Sometimes a second look reveals something new you might not have noticed earlier. Also try to contemplate in silence on the quotes that affected you. You will discover a new dimension of experience.

I hope you enjoyed reading the quotes, as much as I did while curating them for you and for myself. So please click on this URL and Go Man Go!


As you already know Spiritual Diary is now on facebook as well. There it’s called mystic trail. You can click on this URL and take part in the spiritual discussions if you want to.
