All power is within you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that. Do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. Stand up and express the divinity within you.

-swami Vivekananda


You are there behind your eyes, just standing as if someone is standing behind a window and looking out. The man who is looking out of a window is just like  you, looking out of the eyes towards me. But you can get identified with the eyes, you can get identified with the seeing. Seeing is a capacity, a vehicle. Eyes are just windows; they are not you.

(Your) mind gives you a sort of stupor. Burdened by the memories of the past, burdened by the projections of the future, you go on living — at the minimum. You don’t live at the maximum. Your flame remains very dim. Once you start dropping thoughts, the dust that you have collected in the past, the flame arises — clean, clear, alive, young. Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke. That is what awareness is.

– Osho


If you can live this moment, if you can be here this moment, then everything takes care of itself. Then you need not be anxious. Then there is no need to ask  before you ask, the answer is delivered. The answer has been always there, but we are not aware. So the whole effort of Zen is how to bring awareness to you.

– Osho


In the spiritual life one becomes just like a little child–without resentment, without attachment, full of life and joy. –Paramahansa Yogananda

The Secret of Israel’s Water Miracle and How It Can Help a Thirsty World

Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Israel has put spot light on Israel’s phenomenal research in the field of water conservation. This article reproduced by Haartez would be of interest to our readers

Birds of Paradise

Enough has already been written about deforestation, CO2 emissions, global warming, potential threat of potable water scarcities, depleted natural resources, ecological balances… and the list goes on and on!!! It’s high time that the millennials, the GenXs and the GenYs are made aware of the destruction that has been done and the stance that needs to be taken. I believe that the best way to make them realize this is to take them to such forests and let them explore its natural flora and fauna in its gorgeous galore. It’s time to ‘let them free’, to develop the natural survival (and might I add safety?) instincts. This forest day, no pledge could be more promising or inspiring than taking your child to a natural habitat and watch him play, fall, climb, grow and learn using just natural instincts. It is this development that will ultimately take them from expected to extraordinary. It’s the best way to make them realize the gravity of it all. And perhaps we could hope to see them enjoy the natural singing and dancing of these birds as well!!! Happy Forest Day!!! May the exploration begin…


How Obsession with Mobiles is creating an indifferent world

Water Conservation Faucet

Water shortage is a huge problem in several countries. Many households, however, still use water without paying attention to how much they use. A Kickstarter-backed company, Altered, created a simple device that aims to reduce water waste that comes from running faucets.

Presto! Water from thin air!!

An Arizona State University spin-off company, Zero Mass Water, is creating access to water for all, just like the air we breathe.
Their special solar panels pull vaporize the air, condense it into water and then filter it using minerals.

In Ladakh Sonam Wangchuk Creates his own Glacier

Sonam Wangchuk lives and works in the Ladakh region of India, high in the Himalayas. This harsh mountain area is experiencing acute water shortages due to climate change. Sonam, who is an engineer and educator, found a simple but ingenious way to store water using artificial glaciers that will irrigate trees and crops.

Prof. Khushalani talks about protecting the Environment on Lok Sabha TV

This program was telecast on occasion of Swachta Abhiyan Divas on 2nd. October

Naini Lake Water Level Dips by 18 ft

Nainital Lake water level falls by 18 ft. Please watch this program with Prof. Manohar Khushalani on National Television regarding the serious water crisis facing the world

A seeker once asked Bayazid: “Who is the true Prince?”
“The man who cannot choose,” said Bayazid: “
the man for whom God’s choice is the only possible choice.”

– Bayazid al-Bistami