Magical Connects by Neera Nath

                 We meet people for reasons we don’t know.  We connect at so many levels…and yet we may not connect at all. Sometimes we see we’re wearing the same or similar colours, sometimes a friend may simply give us the most enormous bear-hug. How could they know we needed one? Often when I wish for something I get it. This be the power of yoga or meditation. or telepathy heightened by decades of yoga. We can dream of a car and often enough it materialises. Yes, these are also called manifestations or visualizations. 

Yes, these are solid tangible facts for some like me who have practised and successfully lived these blessings. It is another way to live to believe emote and exist. So many times, you remember someone only to see the same from them top. I have experienced knowing what a friend needs and for some reason being there and taking care of that need. so many times, when I have been in a low or desired help it has shown up. These are all connects inexplicable but there nevertheless. It is also my quest and desire to live and experience life at another level that has allowed me to experience this.  This connecting with another may happen over long distances.

In the coming years these practices will grow.  People living in remote areas and forests also practice calling n connecting. They have heightened telepathic skills. All humans have some way these capacities. It suffices to empower and give them life. This connect with a higher energy that may be called by any name begins with connecting with yourself first. The first love affair so to say. I learnt this just a few years back and my god it works. You keep reminding yourself though.

To spend time in silence or with nature or meditate or immerse yourself in a book or music is forms of connection. As also is healing giving loving and spending special moments with loved one’s friends, family, even strangers. I have often potent connects with strangers that Deja-vu feeling, or just some common chord strikes up. If you open yourself to and allow all this to happen – it will. If only people meditated or did some form of it – lives, health – mental or physical, would reach peaks unimaginable. Thus, the world would be happier calmer and perhaps become a utopia

The world now needs a healing touch

Yoga for Wellness

These are the post pandemic times when wellness has become the most spoken, admired, coveted and desired word. Never has the quest for people to feel well, comforted, at ease within themselves, healthy, stress free and especially mentally calm been more flagrant. Years of living in so much unnecessary fear aggravated by an onslaught in the press and media of Covid related over-information have wreaked havoc. Erratic unstable work closures and lack of work, as well as changed work situations, have left millions financial depleted.

Spiritually this translates into accepting and realising that a new beginning, a new reality is taking shape. Our ways of life were no longer sustainable. This itself is a vast subject, but suffice to say that insane working hours and demands as well as many levels of unrealistic living, have suddenly become redundant. Many are questioning their lifestyles.

Recently statistics have shown waves of resignations in Europe and elsewhere and also scores wanting to go back to smaller cities or towns in nature seaside mountains, or living off the grid, or trading their cushy corporate jobs for countryside ones.

Irrespective people want to feel well as they did few years or decades back. They’re willing to make drastic changes in their professional and personal domains just to get there. What matters and what does not are shifting dramatically and many want a balanced harmonious and peaceful living – even if a little divorced from too much technology .

Yoga, meditation, a zillion forms of healing are super fashionable and definitely the trends now. Massages, organic and natural beauty and healing products, Reiki, past life regression and also I know of people practicing Quigong, Taichi and Martial Arts to balance out . There will definitely be an enormous resurgence of all forms of healing in the coming years. It is the need of the hour and many more shall succumb to their magical mystical healing.

Image Courtesy: Yoga for Brain Health

Nature’s Aura In Your Home

As I sit with the cool morning breezes wafting across from my organic, a little over grown and lush, full garden; I cannot help wonder why most people cannot and have not allowed greenery to fill their lives and spaces.

There is zero pollution in my home although I am situated next to and in a polluted area. My back lane has tall trees and a multitude of beautiful floral creepers whose aroma fills me when I open my windows. Everyone yes everyone can grow greens in gardens, terraces, pots, tubs and containers, recycled Pots, hanging baskets and now even hydroponics.

There are homes laden with green walls where owners have banished any negative air with plants as well as magically transformed their interiors, also terraces overflowing with vegetation and blocking off unseemly adjacent buildings and kitchen gardens, in soil or in pots or even wooden crates where families can joyfully harvest their vegetable and herb requirements.

Those with space do multi-cropping, fruiting trees, crops and afore mentioned herbs and vegetables. Many terraces are filled with cascading creepers as well as so many stunning indoor plants. These are not at all complicated to grow.

Just love and a little effort and the intent to transform your space health and life. Layering and also placing plants at various levels and creating green walls are really a very contemporary fashionable interior trends.

Either way its a win win. Just a beautiful tree surrounded by ground cover or trailing plants and florals can be a master centre-piece, or surrounded by pots or a raised bed to sit.

As a designer I view all from the aesthetic or beauty point of view. Yes practicalities go hand in hand. But its so easy to beautify and energize your environment. Its also important not to have only the passé notion of over cut manicured gardens.

Let plants proliferate. They sing their song . Make your compost, use cut grass and fallen dry and green leaves to fill your beds to act as mulch. Not only would it look like a natural forest bed but would work wonders for all plants as well as reduce tremendously the water needs.The future will require us all to rethink about what we grow and how we cultivate. I would love to see more perennial lush and natural gardens or terraces filled with plants flowers that fill all our lives.

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