Yogananda: Do not become discouraged ever
You must try to rise above these changing scenes. Do not become discouraged when people strike you. You must remember to control yourself. Don’t talk too much. Those who talk too much are liable...
You must try to rise above these changing scenes. Do not become discouraged when people strike you. You must remember to control yourself. Don’t talk too much. Those who talk too much are liable...
On Sunday 12 August 2018, a US-based group called ‘Sikhs for Justice’ organised a rally in London (UK) to demand what it called ‘Sikh Referendum 2020’ in the Indian state of Punjab to find...
Jugad is a pure Indian word with no equivalent in the English language.
Study on Water Management of the Indus River System and its Implications for India’s Foreign Policy by Prof. Manohar Khushalani Background Two-thirds of India’s water resources potential come from only two river basins namely,...
The Tamil Nadu government, which owns and operates the dam located upstream of Idukki Dam, has informed that it may release water into the Periyar river on the Kerala side from Mullaperiyar reservoir due...
Ms. Manushri Chhilar won the international title of Ms World 2017 by answering the question “Which occupation do you think should be the highest paid?” She answered “A mother and a housewife at...
About Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project The Mahakali River basin, upstream from the proposed Pancheshwar High Dam site has drainage area of 12,100 Km2. PMP has been identified as a huge storage scheme to be developed...