Rumi: You are not your body
You are not your body; you are the eye. When you see the spirit, you are free of the body. A human being is an eye – the rest is just flesh and bones....
Rumi: Everyone can see God’s mercy
Everyone can see the effects of God’s mercy. But who, except God himself, understands the essence of his mercy? Most people cannot understand the essence of any of God’s attibutes; they only know his...
Mother: How can memory be increased?
Widen your consciousness and your memory will increase. Consciousness is a much higher memory than the mechan- ical brain memory. I explained this to you one day, not so very long ago. I told...
Swami Amar Jyoti: Master – desciple relationship
Human evolution and upliftment of consciousness do not come about through cultural or technological advance, but more by the blessing of spiritual unfoldment. In this sacred process, the Master-disciple relationship is paramount, so much...
Swami Rama: If you hate..
The Buddhist scriptures say that if you hate others, nothing happens to the hated person, something happens to you, to your mind, to your heart. You can learn to love somebody, even one whom...
The Sweetest Water I Ever Drank by Vanisha Uppal
Does the water in your house belong to you? Let me put the question this way- Does a rental house belongs to you? We are here in the world for a short time. No...